The Keystone XL pipeline is set to bring toxic tar sands from Alberta, Canada to the Gulf Coast, where it will be refined for export. As young people we’ve had enough: approval of the pipeline would ensure that our generation takes on the risk of oil spills, increased toxic pollution from refineries, health disasters, and a exacerbated climate change.
We are young, awaiting a future fraught with uncertainty. This will not deter us from participating in an act of civil disobedience. Indeed it has compelled us to organize one.
We ask you to join us in Washington, D.C. on Sunday, March 2nd for this action
SIGN UP HERE: http://xldissent.org/sign-up/
A fossil fuel divestment meet-up with campus divestment activists from across the country will take place prior to the action training from 1-4 PM on March 1st at the Thurgood Marshall Center.