Network Structure

The Divestment Student Network is both a place to build connections and share knowledge among campaigns, and a structure to facilitate work on shared projects that will increase the effectiveness of the student divestment movement and further our contribution to the climate justice movement as a whole. With those aims in mind, the Network is organized into three main parts: the DSN Assembly, the Vision Council, and Working Groups.


(Infograph designed by Peter Morrow)

1. The DSN Assembly:

Our goal is to create a wide and representative Network that includes voices from as many divestment campaigns as possible. To that end, we are hosting bi-weekly Assembly Calls where representatives of campus campaigns can call in to participate in collective discussion and strategizing.  Assembly calls include space for:

Sharing: campaign updates, tactic-sharing, and co-mentoring through question and answer sessions

Collective Learning: facilitated discussions, storytelling, panels, guest speakers about strategy, theory of change, campaign strategy, etc.

Participatory Decision-making: as members of the Divestment Student Network, members of the Assembly will vote on proposals brought to the Network, including proposed coordinated actions and projects of the full Network. Each campus has one vote in the Assembly.


Anyone involved in a divestment campaign is welcome on Assembly Calls! Representatives from campus campaigns and members of DSN Working Groups have a vote in the Assembly; staff organizers and divestment alumni are welcome to join in discussion as non-voting members.

Assembly Calls happen every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month, from 9:00-10:30 EST

Call-in Number: 605-562-3000

Access Code: 548662#

2. The Vision Council:

The Vision Council is the coordinating body of the Divestment Student Network. The Vision Council is tasked with discussing and formulating long-term strategic vision for the Network, including proposing coordinated actions and projects; identifying decision that must be made by the DSN Assembly; being available for quick responses to actions and events, and make action proposals to the Network; Coordinating and supporting work done in Working Groups; Coodinating Network-wide communications; and facilitating Assembly Calls.


Ideally the Vision Council will consist of 5-10 people from a diversity of regions, types of schools (public and private), and stages of campaigns (new and longstanding), including students and recent alumni. Members of the Vision Council will commit to being on the Council for a certain amount of time and are responsible for finding a replacement if/when they have to step back. As a stepping stone to achieve this ideal Council, the first Vision Council will be open to anyone in the Network interested in committing to the above tasks.

3. Working Groups

Working groups are made up of students, recent alums, and can include national organization staff. Working Groups carry out projects of the Network. Working Groups are also included in the Assembly, and each working group has one vote in collective Network decisions. For a list of current working groups and projects, check the Working Groups page.



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