DSN People of Color Caucus

The People of Color Caucus is open to students, alumni, and staff in the divestment movement who identity as people of color. Fossil fuel divestment is still largely a white movement. Many organizers of color find ourselves on the margins of predominantly white spaces, preventing us from committing our full selves and leading with ways our identities and experiences impact strategies, tactics, and movement culture.

We’re committed to building a multiracial movement for climate justice where organizers of color step into their power with full selves and bold vision.


Support divestment organizers of color  -  We create and support spaces for organizers of color to step into their power (relationship building, peer-mentorship, personal transformation, skill-sharing, and political education)
Take action for Climate Justice  -  We take action for Climate Justice in the divestment movement and the Divestment Student Network, centering the relationships between race and ecology through our experiences and identities.
Highlight community reinvestment strategies  -  Fossil fuel divesters are partnering with grassroots communities to reinvest college endowments in community-led climate solutions.


WE ARE MANY  -  We are Black, Asian American, Desi, Latin@, Indigenous, first and second generation immigrants, mixed-race and mixed-heritage folks, and much more. We bring diverse identities around gender, sexuality, ability, nationality, citizenship status, and socio-economic class. We won’t let “POC” flatten our vibrant diversity, nor our own mainstreams and margins.

FEMINIST CAUCUS  -  We resist patriarchy and heterosexism in our relationships and movements. We value diverse forms of love and labor. We take leadership from those with marginalized gender identities and expressions. We build queer power.

#BLACKLIVESMATTER  -  Black liberation is fundamental to Climate Justice. We must confront our anti-Black racism, honor our Black leadership, and practice active solidarity with Black led struggles and movements.

EYES ON THE PRIZE  -  We’re building a powerful Climate Justice movement that’s bigger than the POC Caucus. We are winning campaigns, strengthening the Divestment Student Network, and reinvesting in community-led climate solutions.

SPEAK YOUR TRUTH, TAKE ACTION -  We are a leaderful Caucus. We value self-organization and mutual support. If you have a project or idea to build the Caucus and our movements for Climate Justice, find others, team up, and do it! And let the rest of the Caucus know what you’re up to.


The DSN POC Caucus is open to students, alumni, and staff in the divestment movement who identity as people of color. The Caucus consists of Members, Fellows, and a Caucus Core. Any divester of color who commits to the Caucus Purpose and Principles can become a Member.

Members participate in and lead Caucus Activities and are encouraged to self-organize around projects and ideas. Caucus Fellows are supported through one-on-one mentorship from the Caucus Core and through organizing stipends from the DSN. The Caucus Core Team convenes and coordinates on the national level, governs the Caucus budget, and connects with other DSN bodies (more below).


How to get involved:

1. Fill out this contact form to be added to the open Caucus member list

2. Uphold and work toward realizing the Caucus Purpose and Principles above.

3. Work in teams or small groups - if you have an idea or project, find others in the POC Caucus to work with and take it on together!

4. Be in touch:

Listserv + POC Caucus Member List: Once you fill out the contact form, you’ll be added to the Caucus Listerv where you can send messages to the whole Caucus membership. You will also have access to the full member list of the Caucus.

Facebook Group: Connect through our Facebook group. You'll be invited after you fill out the contact form above.

Caucus Core: The Caucus Core is a coordinating team for the POC Caucus. The current Core includes: Sachie Hopkins-Hayakawa, Varshini Prakash, Sonny Lawrence Alea, Lex Barlowe, Nicole Ektnitphong, and Zein Nakhoda. Contact the Caucus Core at dsn.poc[at]gmail.com